AVUHSD Online Athletics Clearance Process
The Antelope Valley Union High School District is using an online athletic clearance process. This will increase the efficiency of the clearance process, decrease paper waste, and greatly help all athletic staff members and coaches. Attached are the only papers that are required to be turned in to the Athletics Office. The blue physical paper must be signed and dated by both a physician and the parent/guardian. Step by step instructions for completing the online process, with screen shots matching each step are listed below. You will need your physical form, insurance information, and student present in order to complete the process. Please complete an online athletic packet before turning in a completed blue physical card. Please note, that you CAN NOT be cleared until a completed blue physical form has been turned in to the Athletics Office. If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the PHS Athletic Office at (661) 273-3181 x106.
Screen by Screen Instructions
- Go to www.athleticclearance.com and click on “Register”. *If you or your parent/guardian require a different language, please click
and choose the language required.
- Fill in required information. Click Submit when finished. *Be sure to remember your username and password for future use. AVUHSD/PHS does not have access to your username and password.
- Enter given code. Click submit.
- Click on “Start Clearances Here”.
- Select school year as 2023-2024. Select the high school you attend. Select Sport. Click submit when finished.
- Enter all required information. Click save when finished. *Do not upload any documents. Turn in completed physical form to the Athletics Office, after completion of the online process.
- Answer all yes or no questions. If the answer is yes to any question, type a brief description of the issue. Click save when finished.
- Enter required info. Click submit when finished. *If you do not enter all required information, you will not be able to move to the next screen.
- Read boxes and add all signatures for guardian and student. All signatures must be full names, initials or single names will not be accepted. Click submit when finished.
- If you wish to donate to the athletic department click on “Donate”. It will be processed through PayPal and it is safe. The department would greatly appreciate any donation. If you do not wish to donate click on “Skip to Confirmation”.
- Once you reach the confirmation screen, the online clearance process is complete. Now you just need to turn in the physical document, signed by a doctor, to the athletic office. **A confirmation email will be sent to you once your application and documents have been reviewed and approved by the Athletics Office. This email will state if your student is cleared for participation.
EXAMPLE Screen Shots Step by Step (Matches numbers from above)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
There is also a tutorial video available on how to complete the process on the very first screen of this process. If you are still having trouble watch it. |