Antelope Valley School District

Local Control Accountability Plan

The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is based on California State Priorities and District Focus Areas for Student Achievement. Please see information attached below regarding the Antelope Valley Union High School District's Local Control Funding Formula and Local Control Accountability Plan (LCFF/LCAP). Palmdale High School’s Single Plan for Student Achievement mirror’s the district’s four goals.

Please find attached below the LCA Plans for the Antelope Valley Union High School District in infographic form. There is a short “summary” graphic and a more complete, “final” graphic.

Antelope Valley Union High School District is interested in gathering feedback on YOUR perceptions and experiences of AVUHSD. The district gathered this information to improve education and services for your children by holding forums and giving surveys. We welcome you to be a part of this information gathering process! Please be on the lookout for more information on how your voice can be heard in January as Palmdale will be looking to collecting your feedback either in survey form or through an Open House/Community forum.

LCAP VIDEO - English

LCAP VIDEO - Spanish